Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hi from Nhat.

Hi guys my name is Nhat. Today i just want to introduce myself and how i trade the forex market. Well i already said my name is Nhat but lets make it in full is NHAT NGUYEN. im a full time trader and full time student majoring in Electrical Engineering. i started my trading carreer since im 19 years old now im 25 hehe (dan im old now ). i been trading Andrew pitchfork for about 3 years and 1/2 now. My goal is 70 pips a day but i think i been pulling more than 70 maybe double well you know it depends on (she) market. Well i have a trading journal i started long time ago in Forexfactory.com (here is the link if u want to read http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=188077) i will post some detail and explain why i take the trade so you guy whoever read this can follow me and hope u can learn some from me or she. Hope u guys have a great evening (ah it 2 am in the morning already) Time to go to work. See you all soon.

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